
Goldfish is one of the most commonly kept freshwater species among aquarists. This fish was originated in China during the Tang dynasty. That time gold color mutation was done with silver carp fish. Now a days, lots of color mutation of gold fish is available in the market. During Tang dynasty goldfish were seen as a mark of good luck. In optimal freshwater tank condition, it can survive 10-15 years.

Types of Goldfish:

There are different types of goldfish available now a days. Mostly goldfish is divided in two categories. These are standard and fancy categories. In standard categories of goldfish comet is most common. Comet can grow upto 10-16 inch long. However, there are shubunkin and sarasa goldfish which possess same type of body shape. Shubunkin and Sarasa are more colorful than comet.

Fancy category of goldfish includes Oranda, Ranchu, Fantail, Celestial, Moor etc. Their body is shaped like egg and rounded. They don’t grow long as their body shape doesn’t permit to grow longer.


Water Temperature:

The best suited water condition for comet, shubunkin, sarasa is 60° to 70°F while fancy categories goldfish water temperature requirement is 68° to 75°F. Water pH level should be maintained between 7-8.4. A bit of salt in water can be useful and it can be kept a table spoon for each 5 gallon of water. Keep good filtration system at the same time keep changing 10% of water weekly.  



Goldfish is adaptable to all sorts of food. Flake or pellets both can be used to feed your pet. While feeding it should be kept in mind that goldfish need at least 30% protein in their diet. Protein is necessary for reproductively active and breeding fishes. Feed them at least once a day and keep them feeding that much extent which they can eat within 3-5 minutes. Remember one thing, don’t allow your pet to eat much from the surface which may cause buoyancy issues.


Tank Maintenance:

To grow your pet healthy, you need to maintain a routine maintenance work. Cleaning filtration system in each week is important. Clean debris from the water and substrate surface where lots of wastes are accumulated. Routinely check water standard with quality test kit.  It will improve healthy living of your pet.


Goldfish Behavior:

Goldfish likes to hang around together. It likes the company of others in its tank. Other species which tend to be similar in nature of goldfish can be kept together. Smaller species should be avoided in goldfish tank. They are very much intelligent and possess long memory.


Signs of illness and treatment:

Regularly monitor your fish and try to understand the behavior them. When you get familiar with a healthy fish, you will be able to notice easily if they get ill. If you find that your fish is scratching its body with hard object, be sure that it is suffering from disease. Abnormal swimming is another sign of their illness. If these signs are observed, consult with pet doctors and have medicine for their recovery. 


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